Τετάρτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2014



The idea was conceived in New York, in 1922, by a group of professionals engaged in the merchant marine industry who gathered frequently at luncheons to discuss mutual issues and the future of shipping.

These meetings gradually developed into the Propeller Club of the United States, which aims to the promotion and furtherance of the American merchant marine and international shipping in general, as a symbol of mankind's efforts to ring for a better world through commerce and industry.

"Propeller" in the name refers to the propulsion of ships, and is symbolic of the driving force required to achieve the Club's objectives.

Today there is a Propeller Club in almost every sea and inland port in the United States, as well as in 33 cities throughout the world.

The Propeller Club's world headquarters is located in Fairfax, Virginia.

International Propeller Club of the United States was founded in N. York in 1922, has now 8.000 members in 52 cities and 4 Student Clubs globally. Propeller Club (Port of Piraeus), founded in 1935, is a non-profit charity Association, collectively controlled in Greece by sixteen (16) Greek volunteer Governors, elected every two years. Our net income is fully distributed in charities with fairness and transparency. Our Club closely cooperates with the Union of Greek Shipowners, the International Chamber of Shipping, the Hellenic Short-sea Shipowners Association, the Hellenic American Chamber e.t.c. to promote Maritime Relations, Commerce, Goodwill and Cultural relations between citizens of Greece, the U.S. and all other countries represented by their members'.

2014 AMVER Awards Ceremony 

We are looking forward to having you all with us!

Do not miss this great maritime event! 

Thursday, October 30th
Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel
Time: 19.00 hrs

AMVER is the Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue (since 1958)
international system, sponsored by the United States Coast Guard
that uses commercial ships to rescue people in distress
This computer-based and voluntary ship reporting system
is used worldwide by search and rescue authorities http://www.amver.com/.

The process to enroll a ship in the AMVER system is simple and easy
and can be completed by the crew or operations department of the shipping company 
using the search and rescue questionnaire found on the AMVER website. 
Once a vessel is enrolled, the crew can immediately begin reporting
following the instructions in the AMVER Ship Reporting Manual. 
Over 22,000 ships from hundreds of nations participate in AMVER.
An average of 4,000 ships are on the AMVER plot each day 
and AMVER Center computer receives over 14,000 AMVER messages a day.
Over 2,800 lives have been saved by AMVER-participating ships since 2000.

The U.S. Coast Guard created an annual AMVER Awards Program
as a way of rewarding those ships which remain "on plot"
for at least 128 days in a calendar year.


Μια τετοιά εκδήλωση χρειάζεται έναν Αμερικάνικο 
και Ελληνικό Εθνικό Ύμνο και μουσική φαγητού.
Είμαστε έτοιμοι αν και λίγο μαλλιοκούβαρα,
μετά από την παρέλαση να μπεις μοκέτα,
αλλά έτσι είναι αυτές οι δουλειές.

Καλή τύχη!

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